Theory of a Happy Brain

Richard Davidson a neuroscientist has drawn together the neuro imaging research into a unified theory of a happy brain.

He explains that there are 4 independent brain circuits that influence our lasting wellbeing:

- Our ability to maintain positive states; this directly impacts ones ability to experience happiness. The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu say the fastest way to this state is to start with love and compassion

- Our ability to recover from negative states; the first and second circuits are independent so it is important to give time and pay attention so both. 

- Our ability to focus and avoid mind wandering; this is what the practice of meditation focuses on and is fundamental in focusing ones attention.

- Our ability to be generous; we have an entire brain circuit focusing on generosity. Our brains feel joy when helping others, by being helped or when witnessing someone else helping another 💕

Nina Bedwell